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Downloadable Resources

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You may find some, all or none of these resources useful. Clicking on a link downloads a file to your device.

Unless stated otherwise, these are .PDF files. Most of them will be familiar to AutoScholar's clients.

A stunningly good resource on driving in bad weather (pr248_07.pdf)

A fascinating and brilliant article on how and why we just don't see things, even when we look out for them. (1211 Road Survival Guide Final.pdf)

The (then) DSA's National Driving Standard for Category B (cars). Version 5.0, published March 2013 and still useful. Also known as " Safe and Responsible Driving". (dsa-national-standard-driving-cars.pdf)

AutoScholar's list of useful DVSA contacts and other websites, including current test prices. (AutoScholar Info Sheet.pdf)

AutoScholar's Perfect Answers to the "Show Me, Tell Me" questions asked during the DVSA car driving test. (Show Me Tell Me 2017.pdf)

The DVSA's Explanation of the driving test report form, and of what the examiner was looking for in a good test drive. (Driving Test Report Explained.pdf)

Important advice for drivers who live with diabetes, from and (2021 10 Diabetes.pdf)